Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Ok, so from this image you can see a mountain range, and that i've destroyed the walls a bit. I decided to for a more abandoned/forgotten space. I'm not sure if i'll do the detail work on the doors or the steps, or if I just want to go for a more general space. For sure I'll be adding a decent texture to the building surface, and some plants within the courtyard.

It's rendered all little because for some reason, if it isn't, blender will invariably crash. Blender can be a trashy little tramp sometimes.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Progress on final project

I'm working on an environment for my character to hang around in. I'm going for sort of an abandoned church/garden area type place. Not done modeling yet, planning on adding statues, lots of trees, water in the fountain and front pond like area, and some more architecture in general. I have a wall texture painted already, and I plan to make my own stone texture and various other textures.